One of the hottest young comedians around today, Adam Hunter is full of exciting energy that makes the crowd go wild. Adam was a finalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and can be seen on Showtime’s “White Boyz in Da Hood”. He has appeared on “Comics Unleashed” and “The Smoking Gun Presents” as well as shows on VH1, MTV, CMT, E!, Telemundo and TBS. Adam is one of the hardest working comics out there, performing every night of the week across the US and at US Military bases around the world. On stage Adam makes light of some of his most painful experiences in a hilarious manner that everyone can identify with. “On Being Adam Hunter”, listen as he brings down the house in Oklahoma City!
REVIEW: Adam Hunter: Being Adam Hunterby Emma Kat Richardson, Punchline MagazineWhat is it like, to be Adam Hunter? Only one man on Earth can be absolutely certain, but if the young comedian’s most recent album, Being Adam Hunter, is any indication, it’s an experience something akin to heading up a frat house with extra Ritalin prescriptions to spare.Not that this is a bad thing, necessarily. The album’s 14 tracks are a killer dosage of cocky laced with cheeky, and it’s Hunter’s manic, kinetic style that gives Being Adam Hunter a sporadic sense of charm that an album like this would otherwise be lacking.With lightning quick subject changes, Hunter calls to mind a sloppier, boorish version of Steven Wright. Barely any topic is left untackled as Hunter plows through 42 minutes of sex, violence, religion, politics, drugs, music, and, well, he wouldn’t be much fun if he didn’t swing right back around to sex again.But rather than offending, the album is guilty of being charming when, by all rights, it should be off-putting. Tracks like “GILF” and “Sooo Broke” are downright hilarious, sparking more than just a scant few laugh-out-loud moments. (“I work for this nonprofit company,” Hunter professes in “Sooo Broke.” “It’s called my career.”)The best thing about Being Adam Hunter, really, is the comedian’s uncanny ability to punctuate bouts of gross-out humor with surprisingly astute observations. It’s all well-worn territory here, but being young and contemporary only works in Hunter’s favor. If anything is proved, it’s that sex jokes don’t need to remain stale and stagnant – these days, they can be spiced up with Facebook and Twitter references.
Adam Hunter on TV from AdamHunter on Vimeo.
Perhaps Hunter himself sums it up best in a track called “Myspace, Facebook,Twatter”: “I used to smoke pot and take Ritalin. Made me focus really hard on nothing.” Being Adam Hunter may not be the most dignified position in the world, but it sure is a helluva lot of fun.
REVIEW: The Daily News: In Tune
ADAM HUNTER, “Being Adam Hunter” (Uproar Entertainment)
I didn’t know much about up-and-coming comedian Adam Hunter when his latest CD, aptly titled “Being Adam hunter,” came across my desk. If I’ve seen or heard of him before , it must not have made an impression. Not to say that Hunter isn’t a funny guy – there ARE some laugh-out-loud moments on this performance album – but he hasn’t been distinctive enough to separate himself from the pack.
With “Being Adam Hunter”,” however’ he goes a long way toward establishing himself an identity during a (mostly) well-received set at the Loony Bin in Oklahoma City.
One of the big pluses is the timeliness of the material. Many comedy CDs are dated by the time they hit the shelves, but “Being Adam Hunter” is filled with current references – Michael Phelps’ marijuana experiment, the Obama Presidency, etc. – that add to the laugh totals.
Bits on “Double EE’s,” “Cheating,” and “Girlfriends” generate the most response from the obviously enthusiastic audience, while Hunter’s distinctly un-PC takes on “Fat White Chicks,” being “Really Drunk,” and “Strip Clubs” elicits as many groans as guffaws. Adam Hunter isn’t the funniest comic on the circuit today, but with a little fine tuning he could be ready to take the next step.
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