
At first glance, comedian Jen Murphy may seem like a flaky airheaded woman – but don’t take that impression too seriously, as underneath her spacey stage presence is a sharp-witted comic who is in total control of her surroundings. Released via Uproar Entertainment, Murphy’s new album, Size Does Matter, is a fitting example of her ability to create and maintain the chaos in her life. Essentially, the moral of the story in Murphy’s new CD boils down to this: it’s really hard not to be a whore when you’re a single 30-something woman: “If you don’t know someone after seven beers are you ever really going to know them?”
While I’m not necessarily a huge fan of Murphy’s very frequent bouts of giggles in Size Does Matter (complete with actual laughter-induced snorting), I can’t help but adore her ability to fearlessly breach topics that most female comics would steer clear of. She admits to being puzzled upon seeing the complexities of a vagina in HD porn; sometimes she needs to scratch her crotch just like a man does (but doesn’t, citing the social stigma attached to women versus men adjusting themselves in public); dirty talk during sex, often times, makes her want to laugh. This is my kind of woman.
Unlike a lot of her peers, Murphy doesn’t back away from the notion that women are crazy – instead, she offers a pretty valid reason for my gender’s overall insanity by presenting a comparison in which a man takes a cute little kitten home, has his way with it, tosses it aside, and wonders why it’s acting crazy.
Jen Murphy is an incredibly relatable comedian who connects easily with her audience because as women, we’ve all been there, desperately trying not to send that late night scorned text or wanting to leave your own apartment after a horrible one night stand. Men can not only relate to the crazy antics of a thirty-something year old single girl, but will also find humor in Murphy’s delicate descriptions of the sexual downfalls of guys (she detests the use of the word ‘cock’ during sex). Size Does Matter is a solid hour of comedy from a woman whose laugh is as infectious as her jokes. Pick up your copy today via Uproar Entertainment at iTunes, and enjoy poking a little fun at yourself in the process.
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